Milestone 3/3 – Summer

Semantic Containers for Data Mobility has reached all project goals by June 2019 and is now finalized with the final report. The three prototypes have developed well and Semantic Containers will continue to be used as infrastructure, especially at ZAMG.

As in the previous posts we summarize here our accomplished goals for this last milestone:

Dates, dates, appointments!

  • SemCon was presented at the PyDays 2019 on May 3rd and we submitted a scientific publication at the Semantics 2019 in Karlsruhe.
  • Our final project presentation took place on 17 June 2019 at the MyData Meetup at the WU Vienna (slides are available here). We were happy about a lively participation and lively discussions on the topic “Data as Propery or Human right”. That’s what MeetUps should be like!

  • Another presentation is planned on September 27, where Christoph Fabianek will give a talk at the MyData 2019 with from Denmark. We will continue to work on the topic of Semantic Containers even beyond the end of the funded project period!

In summary, we can look back on 9 successful project months. SemCon was presented around 10 times at events, we had about 60 internal project meetings, we were able to meet our milestones in time and there are 3 prototypes that show how the exchange with data can work simply and safely: by packaging data with usage rights and provenance information together with the necessary processing logic to enable reliable and easy management.