DID Rotation

In the realm of digital identity, the concept of Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) stands as a cornerstone. DIDs are a new type of identifier that enables verifiable, self-sovereign digital identities. This blog post explores possibilities to transition between different DID Methods and invites DID method implementors to join this journey towards more robust, interoperable, and secure […]

Pioneering the Future of Energy with USEFLEDS

We are excited to announce OwnYourData’s involvement in the groundbreaking USEFLEDS project: Unleashing Sector-coupling Flexibility by means of an Energy Data Space, spearheaded by Forschung Burgenland. As a key consortium partner, OwnYourData is leading the crucial Work Package 3 focused on Data Landscape and Governance. Read more


IM4DEC: Identity Management for Digital Emergency Communication has been selected for funding as one of the brightest projects for building the Next Generation Internet in Europe

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DID Delegation

In today’s interconnected world, the concept of digital identity is becoming increasingly significant. One revolutionary approach that is gaining traction is Decentralised Identifiers (DIDs), a cornerstone of decentralised identity technology. In this context, we’re going to focus on one key aspect of DIDs – DID Delegation. Read more

NGI ONTOCHAIN Funding for Babelfish

Babelfish: Service Integration in Heterogeneous Environments has been selected for funding as one of the brightest projects for building the Next Generation Internet in Europe

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Semantic Overlay Architecture

One of the goals in our current FFG-funded project IDunion was to develop a framework for managing different data models of Covid19 Credentials. In the course of our project we implemented this functionality through the Semantic Overlay Architecture (SOyA 🌱) and this blogposts provides an introduction to this new technology.

IDunion Project Start

There are currently a few initiatives around the world that want to develop digital vaccination records and bring them to market. However, the past has shown that even established solutions such as the international vaccination certificate (“Yellow Card”) cannot be digitized so easily.

Digital Immunization Passport Project Completion

This blog post summarizes the key highlights of the Digital Immunization Passport (DIP) project. We implemented and evaluated an end-to-end workflow for handling immunization information in a human-centric way, and we provided the necessary infrastructure for all participating stakeholders to demonstrated the functionality in real-world use cases: Yellow Fever and Tick-borne encephalitis vaccination. The project […]

DAPSI: DIP Project Funding Extended into Phase 2

OwnYourData & Human Colossus Foundation have been selected for the 2nd phase in the Data Portability & Services Incubator (DAPSI) to continue development of the Digital Immunization Passport  project. From September 2020 to January 2021 we developed the first version of a Digital Immunization Passport for Yellow Fever and demonstrated the feasability of such a […]

Data Vault Deployment

Data Vault Deployment

Docker is required to install and run OwnYourData. The data vault is installed on the commandline and requires the following 5 docker images:

  • Database: postgres:9.6.4
  • Message Broker: rabbitmq:3-management
  • OwnYourData Data Vault: oydeu/oyd-pia2
  • Schedulder: oydeu/srv-scheduler
  • Running periodic tasks: oydeu/srv-worker

A script on Github is available for configuring and starting Docker containers. Run the following command in an empty directory to download and start the script:

bash <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OwnYourData/oyd-pia2/master/local/oyd_local_setup.sh)

You have to provide the following four pieces of information:

  • IP address of the computer on which you want to run the data vault
  • Port number under which the data vault is to be reached
    (default value: 3000)
  • Gmail address for sending emails – necessary to create an account in the data vault and to send the weekly data summaries (eg: my.email@gmail.com)
  • the associated password to the Gmail address

The data vault is then available under the respective IP address and user accounts can be set up. The following blog posts describe how to use OwnYourData on your own NAS (such as Synology) and on an Asus VivoMini.